
Whoa oh no the Overwatch open beta is over what are we going to do now

Here’s something to keep you occupied: Overwatch has a veritable mountain of story hidden away in all the profiles, character descriptions, news releases, cinematics and everything else that’s been released. Really good story. Normally you’d be going ‘how the heck am I supposed to keep track of all of this,’ we know – which is why we’ve been piecing it all together for you

Overwatch and the Omnic Crisis – covers the formation of Overwatch and what the heck happened to make it all fall apart. Basically the foundation of Overwatch’s story.

Space Gorillas and Test Pilots – covers Winston and Tracer’s origins, and the weird possibility that apparently there’s still some kind of angry space gorilla infested moon colony up there.

Robots With Soul – WHAT THE HECK IS AN OMNIC why don’t they just call them robots what makes them different and why you should probably love Bastion even though, you know, he’s probably going to kill you a lot

Fallen Heroes – What’s up with Soldier: 76 and Reaper? What went down when Overwatch was disbanded, and why is Reaper so….reaper-y?

Junkrat and Roadhog – Weirdly even though these guys are supposedly comic relief and all that they’ve got a pretty sad backstory that says a lot about the state of the world after Overwatch fell apart

The Shimada Clan – Hanzo and Genji have a lot of beef with each other, probably because they tried to kill each other. Here’s why

Widowmaker and Talon – Who is Talon? Why are they in every Overwatch animated short? What are they up to, anyway? And who is the elusive and deadly Widowmaker?

Zarya and the second Omnic Crisis – You think the first Omnic Crisis was bad? Prepare for part two.

Symmetra and Lúcio

– What’s the beef between these two? Is Symmetra a bad guy? Maybe not, but the company she’s working for is pretty shady

McCree and the Deadlock Gang – IT’S HIGH NOON and McCree’s a former outlaw who decided to be a good guy until he decided not to. Or maybe he still is

Overwatch’s ongoing story – So how does all this stuff hook together in the cinematics? Where is the story going from here? Why isn’t any of this actually in the game – and why is that potentially a good thing?